Avoid list closure in syscall.NewCallback, #20.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 122 additions and 100 deletions
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ func listMultiple(text string, items []string, opts options) ([]string, error) {
return listDlg(text, items, true, opts)
func listDlg(text string, items []string, multiple bool, opts options) (out []string, err error) {
func listDlg(text string, items []string, multiple bool, opts options) ([]string, error) {
if opts.title == nil {
opts.title = stringPtr("")
@ -29,82 +29,12 @@ func listDlg(text string, items []string, multiple bool, opts options) (out []st
defer setup()()
font := getFont()
defer font.delete()
defWindowProc := defWindowProc.Addr()
var wnd, textCtl, listCtl uintptr
var okBtn, cancelBtn, extraBtn uintptr
layout := func(dpi dpi) {
hfont := font.forDPI(dpi)
sendMessage.Call(textCtl, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, hfont, 1)
sendMessage.Call(listCtl, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, hfont, 1)
sendMessage.Call(okBtn, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, hfont, 1)
sendMessage.Call(cancelBtn, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, hfont, 1)
sendMessage.Call(extraBtn, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, hfont, 1)
setWindowPos.Call(wnd, 0, 0, 0, dpi.scale(281), dpi.scale(281), 0x6) // SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE
setWindowPos.Call(textCtl, 0, dpi.scale(12), dpi.scale(10), dpi.scale(241), dpi.scale(16), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
setWindowPos.Call(listCtl, 0, dpi.scale(12), dpi.scale(30), dpi.scale(241), dpi.scale(164), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
if extraBtn == 0 {
setWindowPos.Call(okBtn, 0, dpi.scale(95), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
setWindowPos.Call(cancelBtn, 0, dpi.scale(178), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
} else {
setWindowPos.Call(okBtn, 0, dpi.scale(12), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
setWindowPos.Call(extraBtn, 0, dpi.scale(95), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
setWindowPos.Call(cancelBtn, 0, dpi.scale(178), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
proc := func(wnd uintptr, msg uint32, wparam, lparam uintptr) uintptr {
switch msg {
case 0x0002: // WM_DESTROY
case 0x0010: // WM_CLOSE
err = ErrCanceled
case 0x0111: // WM_COMMAND
switch wparam {
return 1
case 1, 6: // IDOK, IDYES
if multiple {
if len, _, _ := sendMessage.Call(listCtl, 0x190 /* LB_GETSELCOUNT */, 0, 0); int32(len) >= 0 {
out = make([]string, len)
if len > 0 {
indices := make([]int32, len)
sendMessage.Call(listCtl, 0x191 /* LB_GETSELITEMS */, len, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&indices[0])))
for i, idx := range indices {
out[i] = items[idx]
} else {
if idx, _, _ := sendMessage.Call(listCtl, 0x188 /* LB_GETCURSEL */, 0, 0); int32(idx) >= 0 {
out = []string{items[idx]}
} else {
out = []string{}
case 2: // IDCANCEL
err = ErrCanceled
case 7: // IDNO
err = ErrExtraButton
case 0x02e0: // WM_DPICHANGED
layout(dpi(uint32(wparam) >> 16))
res, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(defWindowProc, 4, wnd, uintptr(msg), wparam, lparam, 0, 0)
return res
return 0
wnd := &listWnd{
items: items,
multiple: multiple,
font: getFont(),
defer wnd.font.delete()
if opts.ctx != nil && opts.ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, opts.ctx.Err()
@ -115,56 +45,56 @@ func listDlg(text string, items []string, multiple bool, opts options) (out []st
return nil, err
cls, err := registerClass(instance, syscall.NewCallback(proc))
cls, err := registerClass(instance, syscall.NewCallback(listProc))
if cls == 0 {
return nil, err
defer unregisterClass.Call(cls, instance)
wnd.handle, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0x10101, // WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT|WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE|WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME
cls, strptr(*opts.title),
0x80000000, // CW_USEDEFAULT
0x80000000, // CW_USEDEFAULT
281, 281, 0, 0, instance, 0)
281, 281, 0, 0, instance, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wnd)))
textCtl, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0,
wnd.textCtl, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0,
strptr("STATIC"), strptr(text),
12, 10, 241, 16, wnd, 0, instance, 0)
12, 10, 241, 16, wnd.handle, 0, instance, 0)
var flags uintptr = 0x50320000 // WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_VSCROLL|WS_GROUP|WS_TABSTOP
if multiple {
flags |= 0x0800 // LBS_EXTENDEDSEL
listCtl, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0x200, // WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
wnd.listCtl, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0x200, // WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
strptr("LISTBOX"), strptr(opts.entryText),
12, 30, 241, 164, wnd, 0, instance, 0)
12, 30, 241, 164, wnd.handle, 0, instance, 0)
okBtn, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0,
wnd.okBtn, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0,
strptr("BUTTON"), strptr(*opts.okLabel),
12, 206, 75, 24, wnd, 1 /* IDOK */, instance, 0)
cancelBtn, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0,
12, 206, 75, 24, wnd.handle, 1 /* IDOK */, instance, 0)
wnd.cancelBtn, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0,
strptr("BUTTON"), strptr(*opts.cancelLabel),
12, 206, 75, 24, wnd, 2 /* IDCANCEL */, instance, 0)
12, 206, 75, 24, wnd.handle, 2 /* IDCANCEL */, instance, 0)
if opts.extraButton != nil {
extraBtn, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0,
wnd.extraBtn, _, _ = createWindowEx.Call(0,
strptr("BUTTON"), strptr(*opts.extraButton),
12, 206, 75, 24, wnd, 7 /* IDNO */, instance, 0)
12, 206, 75, 24, wnd.handle, 7 /* IDNO */, instance, 0)
for _, item := range items {
sendMessage.Call(listCtl, 0x180 /* LB_ADDSTRING */, 0, strptr(item))
sendMessage.Call(wnd.listCtl, 0x180 /* LB_ADDSTRING */, 0, strptr(item))
showWindow.Call(wnd, 1 /* SW_SHOWNORMAL */, 0)
showWindow.Call(wnd.handle, 1 /* SW_SHOWNORMAL */, 0)
if opts.ctx != nil {
wait := make(chan struct{})
@ -172,20 +102,112 @@ func listDlg(text string, items []string, multiple bool, opts options) (out []st
go func() {
select {
case <-opts.ctx.Done():
sendMessage.Call(wnd, 0x0112 /* WM_SYSCOMMAND */, 0xf060 /* SC_CLOSE */, 0)
sendMessage.Call(wnd.handle, 0x0112 /* WM_SYSCOMMAND */, 0xf060 /* SC_CLOSE */, 0)
case <-wait:
// set default values
out, err = nil, nil
if err := messageLoop(wnd); err != nil {
if err := messageLoop(wnd.handle); err != nil {
return nil, err
if opts.ctx != nil && opts.ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, opts.ctx.Err()
return out, err
return wnd.out, wnd.err
type listWnd struct {
handle uintptr
textCtl uintptr
listCtl uintptr
okBtn uintptr
cancelBtn uintptr
extraBtn uintptr
multiple bool
items []string
out []string
err error
font font
func (wnd *listWnd) layout(dpi dpi) {
font := wnd.font.forDPI(dpi)
sendMessage.Call(wnd.textCtl, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, font, 1)
sendMessage.Call(wnd.listCtl, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, font, 1)
sendMessage.Call(wnd.okBtn, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, font, 1)
sendMessage.Call(wnd.cancelBtn, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, font, 1)
sendMessage.Call(wnd.extraBtn, 0x0030 /* WM_SETFONT */, font, 1)
setWindowPos.Call(wnd.handle, 0, 0, 0, dpi.scale(281), dpi.scale(281), 0x6) // SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE
setWindowPos.Call(wnd.textCtl, 0, dpi.scale(12), dpi.scale(10), dpi.scale(241), dpi.scale(16), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
setWindowPos.Call(wnd.listCtl, 0, dpi.scale(12), dpi.scale(30), dpi.scale(241), dpi.scale(164), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
if wnd.extraBtn == 0 {
setWindowPos.Call(wnd.okBtn, 0, dpi.scale(95), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
setWindowPos.Call(wnd.cancelBtn, 0, dpi.scale(178), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
} else {
setWindowPos.Call(wnd.okBtn, 0, dpi.scale(12), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
setWindowPos.Call(wnd.extraBtn, 0, dpi.scale(95), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
setWindowPos.Call(wnd.cancelBtn, 0, dpi.scale(178), dpi.scale(206), dpi.scale(75), dpi.scale(24), 0x4) // SWP_NOZORDER
func listProc(hwnd uintptr, msg uint32, wparam uintptr, lparam *unsafe.Pointer) uintptr {
var wnd *listWnd
switch msg {
case 0x0081: // WM_NCCREATE
saveBackRef(hwnd, *lparam)
wnd = (*listWnd)(*lparam)
case 0x0082: // WM_NCDESTROY
wnd = (*listWnd)(loadBackRef(hwnd))
switch msg {
case 0x0002: // WM_DESTROY
case 0x0010: // WM_CLOSE
wnd.err = ErrCanceled
case 0x0111: // WM_COMMAND
switch wparam {
return 1
case 1, 6: // IDOK, IDYES
if wnd.multiple {
if len, _, _ := sendMessage.Call(wnd.listCtl, 0x190 /* LB_GETSELCOUNT */, 0, 0); int32(len) >= 0 {
wnd.out = make([]string, len)
if len > 0 {
indices := make([]int32, len)
sendMessage.Call(wnd.listCtl, 0x191 /* LB_GETSELITEMS */, len, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&indices[0])))
for i, idx := range indices {
wnd.out[i] = wnd.items[idx]
} else {
if idx, _, _ := sendMessage.Call(wnd.listCtl, 0x188 /* LB_GETCURSEL */, 0, 0); int32(idx) >= 0 {
wnd.out = []string{wnd.items[idx]}
} else {
wnd.out = []string{}
case 2: // IDCANCEL
wnd.err = ErrCanceled
case 7: // IDNO
wnd.err = ErrExtraButton
case 0x02e0: // WM_DPICHANGED
wnd.layout(dpi(uint32(wparam) >> 16))
res, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(defWindowProc.Addr(), 4, hwnd, uintptr(msg), wparam, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lparam)), 0, 0)
return res
return 0
Reference in a new issue