Refactor (windows).

This commit is contained in:
Nuno Cruces 2022-06-22 00:58:14 +01:00
parent 6928e74895
commit e2dc86414f
7 changed files with 265 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ func (dlg *calendarDialog) setup(text string, opts options) (time.Time, error) {
if opts.time != nil {
var date _SYSTEMTIME
var date win.SYSTEMTIME
year, month, day := opts.time.Date()
date.year = uint16(year)
date.month = uint16(month) = uint16(day)
date.Year = uint16(year)
date.Month = uint16(month)
date.Day = uint16(day)
win.SendMessagePointer(dlg.dateCtl, win.MCM_SETCURSEL, 0, unsafe.Pointer(&date))
@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ func calendarProc(wnd win.HWND, msg uint32, wparam uintptr, lparam *unsafe.Point
return 1
case win.IDOK, win.IDYES:
var date _SYSTEMTIME
var date win.SYSTEMTIME
win.SendMessagePointer(dlg.dateCtl, win.MCM_GETCURSEL, 0, unsafe.Pointer(&date))
dlg.out = time.Date(int(date.year), time.Month(date.month), int(, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
dlg.out = time.Date(int(date.Year), time.Month(date.Month), int(date.Day), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
case win.IDCANCEL:
dlg.err = ErrCanceled
case win.IDNO:

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package zenity
import (
@ -201,22 +200,21 @@ func pickFolders(opts options, multi bool) (str string, lst []string, err error)
defer win.CoUninitialize()
var dialog *_IFileOpenDialog
var dialog *win.IFileOpenDialog
err = win.CoCreateInstance(
_CLSID_FileOpenDialog, nil, win.CLSCTX_ALL,
_IID_IFileOpenDialog, unsafe.Pointer(&dialog))
win.CLSID_FileOpenDialog, nil, win.CLSCTX_ALL,
win.IID_IFileOpenDialog, unsafe.Pointer(&dialog))
if err != nil {
if multi {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: multiple directory", ErrUnsupported)
return browseForFolder(opts)
defer dialog.Call(dialog.Release)
defer dialog.Release()
var flgs int
hr, _, _ := dialog.Call(dialog.GetOptions, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&flgs)))
if int32(hr) < 0 {
return "", nil, syscall.Errno(hr)
flgs, err := dialog.GetOptions()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if multi {
@ -225,24 +223,21 @@ func pickFolders(opts options, multi bool) (str string, lst []string, err error)
if opts.showHidden {
hr, _, _ = dialog.Call(dialog.SetOptions, uintptr(flgs))
if int32(hr) < 0 {
return "", nil, syscall.Errno(hr)
err = dialog.SetOptions(flgs)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if opts.title != nil {
ptr := strptr(*opts.title)
dialog.Call(dialog.SetTitle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)))
if opts.filename != "" {
var item *win.IShellItem
ptr := strptr(opts.filename)
win.SHCreateItemFromParsingName(ptr, nil, _IID_IShellItem, &item)
if int32(hr) >= 0 && item != nil {
dialog.Call(dialog.SetFolder, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(item)))
win.SHCreateItemFromParsingName(strptr(opts.filename), nil, win.IID_IShellItem, &item)
if item != nil {
@ -255,59 +250,54 @@ func pickFolders(opts options, multi bool) (str string, lst []string, err error)
owner, _ := opts.attach.(win.HWND)
hr, _, _ = dialog.Call(dialog.Show, uintptr(owner))
err = dialog.Show(owner)
if opts.ctx != nil && opts.ctx.Err() != nil {
return "", nil, opts.ctx.Err()
if hr == uintptr(win.E_CANCELED) {
if err == win.E_CANCELED {
return "", nil, ErrCanceled
if int32(hr) < 0 {
return "", nil, syscall.Errno(hr)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
shellItemPath := func(obj *win.COMObject, trap uintptr, a ...uintptr) error {
var item *win.IShellItem
hr, _, _ := obj.Call(trap, append(a, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&item)))...)
if int32(hr) < 0 {
return syscall.Errno(hr)
shellItemPath := func(item *win.IShellItem) error {
defer item.Release()
str, err := item.GetDisplayName(_SIGDN_FILESYSPATH)
if err == nil {
lst = append(lst, str)
defer item.Call(item.Release)
var ptr win.Pointer
hr, _, _ = item.Call(item.GetDisplayName,
_SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ptr)))
if int32(hr) < 0 {
return syscall.Errno(hr)
defer win.CoTaskMemFree(ptr)
var res []uint16
hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&res))
hdr.Data, hdr.Len, hdr.Cap = uintptr(ptr), 32768, 32768
str = syscall.UTF16ToString(res)
lst = append(lst, str)
return nil
return err
if multi {
var items *_IShellItemArray
hr, _, _ = dialog.Call(dialog.GetResults, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&items)))
if int32(hr) < 0 {
return "", nil, syscall.Errno(hr)
items, err := dialog.GetResults()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
defer items.Call(items.Release)
defer items.Release()
var count uint32
hr, _, _ = items.Call(items.GetCount, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&count)))
if int32(hr) < 0 {
return "", nil, syscall.Errno(hr)
count, err := items.GetCount()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
for i := uintptr(0); i < uintptr(count) && err == nil; i++ {
err = shellItemPath(&items.COMObject, items.GetItemAt, i)
for i := uint32(0); i < count; i++ {
item, err := items.GetItemAt(i)
if err == nil {
err = shellItemPath(item)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
} else {
err = shellItemPath(&dialog.COMObject, dialog.GetResult)
item, err := dialog.GetResult()
if err == nil {
err = shellItemPath(item)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
@ -389,70 +379,3 @@ func initFilters(filters FileFilters) []uint16 {
return res
var (
_IID_IShellItem = uuid("\x1e\x6d\x82\x43\x18\xe7\xee\x42\xbc\x55\xa1\xe2\x61\xc3\x7b\xfe")
_IID_IFileOpenDialog = uuid("\x88\x72\x7c\xd5\xad\xd4\x68\x47\xbe\x02\x9d\x96\x95\x32\xd9\x60")
_CLSID_FileOpenDialog = uuid("\x9c\x5a\x1c\xdc\x8a\xe8\xde\x4d\xa5\xa1\x60\xf8\x2a\x20\xae\xf7")
type _IFileOpenDialog struct {
type _IShellItemArray struct {
type _IFileOpenDialogVtbl struct {
GetResults uintptr
GetSelectedItems uintptr
type _IFileDialogVtbl struct {
SetFileTypes uintptr
SetFileTypeIndex uintptr
GetFileTypeIndex uintptr
Advise uintptr
Unadvise uintptr
SetOptions uintptr
GetOptions uintptr
SetDefaultFolder uintptr
SetFolder uintptr
GetFolder uintptr
GetCurrentSelection uintptr
SetFileName uintptr
GetFileName uintptr
SetTitle uintptr
SetOkButtonLabel uintptr
SetFileNameLabel uintptr
GetResult uintptr
AddPlace uintptr
SetDefaultExtension uintptr
Close uintptr
SetClientGuid uintptr
ClearClientData uintptr
SetFilter uintptr
type _IModalWindowVtbl struct {
Show uintptr
type _IShellItemArrayVtbl struct {
BindToHandler uintptr
GetPropertyStore uintptr
GetPropertyDescriptionList uintptr
GetAttributes uintptr
GetCount uintptr
GetItemAt uintptr
EnumItems uintptr

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
package win
import (
@ -33,12 +34,18 @@ func CoUninitialize() { windows.CoUninitialize() }
type IUnknownVtbl struct {
type _IUnknownBase struct{ COMObject }
type _IUnknownVtbl struct {
QueryInterface uintptr
AddRef uintptr
Release uintptr
func (c *_IUnknownBase) Release() {
vtbl := (*(**_IUnknownVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
type COMObject struct{}
@ -57,3 +64,7 @@ func (o *COMObject) Call(trap uintptr, a ...uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, lastErr er
//sys CoCreateInstance(clsid uintptr, unkOuter *COMObject, clsContext int32, iid uintptr, address unsafe.Pointer) (res error) = ole32.CoCreateInstance
//sys CoTaskMemFree(address Pointer) = ole32.CoTaskMemFree
func uuid(s string) uintptr {
return (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).Data

View File

@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
package win
import (
const (
@ -43,13 +49,131 @@ type NOTIFYICONDATA struct {
// BalloonIcon Handle // NOTIFYICONDATAA_V3_SIZE
type IShellItem struct {
var (
IID_IShellItem = uuid("\x1e\x6d\x82\x43\x18\xe7\xee\x42\xbc\x55\xa1\xe2\x61\xc3\x7b\xfe")
IID_IFileOpenDialog = uuid("\x88\x72\x7c\xd5\xad\xd4\x68\x47\xbe\x02\x9d\x96\x95\x32\xd9\x60")
CLSID_FileOpenDialog = uuid("\x9c\x5a\x1c\xdc\x8a\xe8\xde\x4d\xa5\xa1\x60\xf8\x2a\x20\xae\xf7")
type IFileOpenDialog struct {
_ *_IFileOpenDialogVtbl
type _IFileOpenDialogBase struct{ _IFileDialogBase }
type _IFileOpenDialogVtbl struct {
GetResults uintptr
GetSelectedItems uintptr
func (c *_IFileOpenDialogBase) GetResults() (res *IShellItemArray, err error) {
vtbl := (*(**_IFileOpenDialogVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.GetResults, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&res)))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
type _IFileDialogBase struct{ _IModalWindowBase }
type _IFileDialogVtbl struct {
SetFileTypes uintptr
SetFileTypeIndex uintptr
GetFileTypeIndex uintptr
Advise uintptr
Unadvise uintptr
SetOptions uintptr
GetOptions uintptr
SetDefaultFolder uintptr
SetFolder uintptr
GetFolder uintptr
GetCurrentSelection uintptr
SetFileName uintptr
GetFileName uintptr
SetTitle uintptr
SetOkButtonLabel uintptr
SetFileNameLabel uintptr
GetResult uintptr
AddPlace uintptr
SetDefaultExtension uintptr
Close uintptr
SetClientGuid uintptr
ClearClientData uintptr
SetFilter uintptr
func (c *_IFileDialogBase) SetOptions(fos int) (err error) {
vtbl := (*(**_IFileDialogVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.SetOptions, uintptr(fos))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
func (c *_IFileDialogBase) GetOptions() (fos int, err error) {
vtbl := (*(**_IFileDialogVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.GetOptions, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&fos)))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
func (c *_IFileDialogBase) SetFolder(item *IShellItem) (err error) {
vtbl := (*(**_IFileDialogVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.SetFolder, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(item)))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
func (c *_IFileDialogBase) SetTitle(title *uint16) (err error) {
vtbl := (*(**_IFileDialogVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.SetTitle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(title)))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
func (c *_IFileDialogBase) GetResult() (item *IShellItem, err error) {
vtbl := (*(**_IFileDialogVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.GetResult, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&item)))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
type _IModalWindowBase struct{ _IUnknownBase }
type _IModalWindowVtbl struct {
Show uintptr
func (c *_IModalWindowBase) Show(wnd HWND) (err error) {
vtbl := (*(**_IModalWindowVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.Show, uintptr(wnd))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
type IShellItem struct {
_ *_IShellItemVtbl
type _IShellItemBase struct{ _IUnknownBase }
type _IShellItemVtbl struct {
BindToHandler uintptr
GetParent uintptr
GetDisplayName uintptr
@ -57,6 +181,56 @@ type _IShellItemVtbl struct {
Compare uintptr
func (c *_IShellItemBase) GetDisplayName(name int) (res string, err error) {
var ptr uintptr
vtbl := (*(**_IShellItemVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.GetDisplayName, uintptr(name), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ptr)))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
} else {
var buf []uint16
hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf))
hdr.Data, hdr.Len, hdr.Cap = uintptr(ptr), 32768, 32768
res = syscall.UTF16ToString(buf)
type IShellItemArray struct {
_ *_IShellItemArrayVtbl
type _IShellItemArrayBase struct{ _IUnknownBase }
type _IShellItemArrayVtbl struct {
BindToHandler uintptr
GetPropertyStore uintptr
GetPropertyDescriptionList uintptr
GetAttributes uintptr
GetCount uintptr
GetItemAt uintptr
EnumItems uintptr
func (c *_IShellItemArrayBase) GetCount() (numItems uint32, err error) {
vtbl := (*(**_IShellItemArrayVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.GetCount, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&numItems)))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
func (c *_IShellItemArrayBase) GetItemAt(index uint32) (item *IShellItem, err error) {
vtbl := (*(**_IShellItemArrayVtbl)(unsafe.Pointer(c)))
hr, _, _ := c.Call(vtbl.GetItemAt, uintptr(index), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&item)))
if hr != 0 {
err = syscall.Errno(hr)
//sys SHBrowseForFolder(bi *BROWSEINFO) (ret Pointer) = shell32.SHBrowseForFolder
//sys SHCreateItemFromParsingName(path *uint16, bc *COMObject, iid uintptr, item **IShellItem) (res error) = shell32.SHCreateItemFromParsingName
//sys ShellNotifyIcon(message uint32, data *NOTIFYICONDATA) (ret int, err error) = shell32.Shell_NotifyIconW

View File

@ -353,6 +353,15 @@ type NONCLIENTMETRICS struct {
MessageFont LOGFONT
type CWPRETSTRUCT struct {
Result uintptr
LParam uintptr
WParam uintptr
Message uint32
//sys CallNextHookEx(hk Handle, code int32, wparam uintptr, lparam unsafe.Pointer) (ret uintptr) = user32.CallNextHookEx
//sys CreateIconFromResource(resBits []byte, icon bool, ver uint32) (ret Handle, err error) = user32.CreateIconFromResource
//sys CreateWindowEx(exStyle uint32, className *uint16, windowName *uint16, style uint32, x int, y int, width int, height int, parent HWND, menu Handle, instance Handle, param unsafe.Pointer) (ret HWND, err error) = user32.CreateWindowExW

View File

@ -9,6 +9,18 @@ type Handle = windows.Handle
type HWND = windows.HWND
type Pointer uintptr
type SYSTEMTIME struct {
Year uint16
Month uint16
DayOfWeek uint16
Day uint16
Hour uint16
Minute uint16
Second uint16
Milliseconds uint16
func RtlGetNtVersionNumbers() (majorVersion, minorVersion, buildNumber uint32) {
return windows.RtlGetNtVersionNumbers()

View File

@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func newDialogHook(ctx context.Context, icon any, title *string, init func(wnd w
return &hook, nil
func dialogHookProc(code int32, wparam uintptr, lparam *_CWPRETSTRUCT) uintptr {
func dialogHookProc(code int32, wparam uintptr, lparam *win.CWPRETSTRUCT) uintptr {
if lparam.Message == win.WM_INITDIALOG {
tid := win.GetCurrentThreadId()
hook := (*dialogHook)(loadBackRef(uintptr(tid)))
@ -360,36 +360,3 @@ func enableVisualStyles() (cookie uintptr) {
type _CWPRETSTRUCT struct {
Result uintptr
LParam uintptr
WParam uintptr
Message uint32
Wnd win.HWND
type _SYSTEMTIME struct {
year uint16
month uint16
dayOfWeek uint16
day uint16
hour uint16
minute uint16
second uint16
milliseconds uint16
type _IUnknownVtbl struct {
QueryInterface uintptr
AddRef uintptr
Release uintptr
func uuid(s string) uintptr {
return (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)).Data