// Code generated by zenity; DO NOT EDIT. // +build darwin package zenutil import "encoding/json" import "text/template" var scripts = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{"json": func(v interface{}) (string, error) { b, err := json.Marshal(v) return string(b), err }}).Parse(` {{define "color" -}}tell application (path to frontmost application as text) activate {{if .Color -}} set c to choose color default color { {{index .Color 0}},{{index .Color 1}},{{index .Color 2}} } {{else -}} set c to choose color {{end}} "rgb(" & (item 1 of c) div 256 & "," & (item 2 of c) div 256 & "," & (item 3 of c) div 256 & ")" end tell {{- end}} {{define "file" -}}var app = Application.currentApplication() app.includeStandardAdditions = true app.activate() var opts = {} {{if .Prompt -}} opts.withPrompt = {{json .Prompt}} {{end -}} {{if .Type -}} opts.ofType = {{json .Type}} {{end -}} {{if .Name -}} opts.defaultName = {{json .Name}} {{end -}} {{if .Location -}} opts.defaultLocation = {{json .Location}} {{end -}} {{if .Invisibles -}} opts.invisibles = {{json .Invisibles}} {{end -}} {{if .Multiple -}} opts.multipleSelectionsAllowed = {{json .Multiple}} {{end -}} var res = app[{{json .Operation}}](opts) if (Array.isArray(res)) { res.join({{json .Separator}}) } else { res.toString() } {{- end}} {{define "msg" -}}var app = Application.currentApplication() app.includeStandardAdditions = true app.activate() var opts = {} {{if .Message -}} opts.message = {{json .Message}} {{end -}} {{if .As -}} opts.as = {{json .As}} {{end -}} {{if .Title -}} opts.withTitle = {{json .Title}} {{end -}} {{if .Icon -}} opts.withIcon = {{json .Icon}} {{end -}} {{if .Buttons -}} opts.buttons = {{json .Buttons}} {{end -}} {{if .Default -}} opts.defaultButton = {{json .Default}} {{end -}} {{if .Cancel -}} opts.cancelButton = {{json .Cancel}} {{end -}} var res = app[{{json .Operation}}]({{json .Text}}, opts).buttonReturned res === {{json .Extra}} ? res : void 0 {{- end}}`))