2023-01-10 14:26:14 +00:00

772 lines
20 KiB

//go:build windows || darwin || dev
package main
import (
const unspecified = "\x00"
var (
// Application Options
errorDlg bool
infoDlg bool
warningDlg bool
questionDlg bool
entryDlg bool
listDlg bool
calendarDlg bool
passwordDlg bool
fileSelectionDlg bool
colorSelectionDlg bool
progressDlg bool
notification bool
// General options
title string
width uint
height uint
okLabel string
cancelLabel string
extraButton string
text string
icon string
windowIcon string
attach string
modal bool
display string
class string
name string
multiple bool
defaultCancel bool
// Message options
noWrap bool
noMarkup bool
ellipsize bool
// Entry options
entryText string
hideText bool
// Password options
username bool
// List options
columns int
checklist bool
radiolist bool
midSearch bool
disallowEmpty bool
// Calendar options
year uint
month uint
day uint
// File selection options
save bool
directory bool
confirmOverwrite bool
confirmCreate bool
showHidden bool
filename string
fileFilters zenity.FileFilters
// Color selection options
defaultColor string
showPalette bool
// Progress options
percentage float64
pulsate bool
autoClose bool
autoKill bool
noCancel bool
timeRemaining bool
// Notify options
listen bool
// Windows specific options
unixeol bool
cygpath bool
wslpath bool
// Command options
version bool
func main() {
args := parseFlags()
opts := loadFlags()
zenutil.Command = true
zenutil.DateUTS35 = func() (string, error) { return strftime.UTS35(zenutil.DateFormat) }
zenutil.DateParse = func(s string) (time.Time, error) { return strftime.Parse(zenutil.DateFormat, s) }
if unixeol {
zenutil.LineBreak = "\n"
ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(),
syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
defer cancel()
if zenutil.Timeout > 0 {
c, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Duration(zenutil.Timeout)*time.Second)
defer cancel()
ctx = c
opts = append(opts, zenity.Context(ctx))
switch {
case errorDlg:
errResult(zenity.Error(text, opts...))
case infoDlg:
errResult(zenity.Info(text, opts...))
case warningDlg:
errResult(zenity.Warning(text, opts...))
case questionDlg:
errResult(zenity.Question(text, opts...))
case entryDlg:
strResult(zenity.Entry(text, opts...))
case listDlg:
if columns > 1 {
var n int
for i := 1; i < len(args); {
args[n] = args[i]
i += columns
n += 1
args = args[:n:n]
if multiple {
lstResult(zenity.ListMultiple(text, args, opts...))
} else {
strResult(zenity.List(text, args, opts...))
case calendarDlg:
calResult(zenity.Calendar(text, opts...))
case passwordDlg:
case fileSelectionDlg:
switch {
case save:
case multiple:
case colorSelectionDlg:
case progressDlg:
case notification:
func parseFlags() []string {
fset := flag.NewFlagSet("zenity", flag.ContinueOnError)
// Application Options
fset.BoolVar(&errorDlg, "error", false, "Display error dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&infoDlg, "info", false, "Display info dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&warningDlg, "warning", false, "Display warning dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&questionDlg, "question", false, "Display question dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&entryDlg, "entry", false, "Display text entry dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&listDlg, "list", false, "Display list dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&calendarDlg, "calendar", false, "Display calendar dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&passwordDlg, "password", false, "Display password dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&fileSelectionDlg, "file-selection", false, "Display file selection dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&colorSelectionDlg, "color-selection", false, "Display color selection dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&progressDlg, "progress", false, "Display progress indication dialog")
fset.BoolVar(&notification, "notification", false, "Display notification")
// General options
fset.StringVar(&title, "title", "", "Set the dialog `title`")
fset.UintVar(&width, "width", 0, "Set the `width` (Unix only)")
fset.UintVar(&height, "height", 0, "Set the `height` (Unix only)")
fset.StringVar(&okLabel, "ok-label", "", "Set the `label` of the OK button")
fset.StringVar(&cancelLabel, "cancel-label", "", "Set the `label` of the Cancel button")
fset.Func("extra-button", "Add an extra `button`", setExtraButton)
fset.StringVar(&text, "text", "", "Set the dialog `text`")
fset.StringVar(&windowIcon, "window-icon", "", "Set the window `icon` (error, info, question, warning)")
fset.StringVar(&attach, "attach", "", "Set the parent `window` to attach to")
fset.BoolVar(&modal, "modal", runtime.GOOS == "darwin", "Set the modal hint")
fset.StringVar(&display, "display", "", "X `display` to use (Unix only)")
fset.StringVar(&class, "class", "", "Program `class` as used by the window manager (Unix only)")
fset.StringVar(&name, "name", "", "Program `name` as used by the window manager (Unix only)")
fset.BoolVar(&multiple, "multiple", false, "Allow multiple items to be selected")
fset.BoolVar(&defaultCancel, "default-cancel", false, "Give Cancel button focus by default")
// Message options
fset.StringVar(&icon, "icon-name", "", "Set the dialog `icon` (dialog-error, dialog-information, dialog-question, dialog-warning)")
fset.BoolVar(&noWrap, "no-wrap", false, "Do not enable text wrapping (Unix only)")
fset.BoolVar(&noMarkup, "no-markup", false, "Do not enable Pango markup")
fset.BoolVar(&ellipsize, "ellipsize", false, "Enable ellipsizing in the dialog text (Unix only)")
// Entry options
fset.StringVar(&entryText, "entry-text", "", "Set the entry `text`")
fset.BoolVar(&hideText, "hide-text", false, "Hide the entry text")
// Password options
fset.BoolVar(&username, "username", false, "Display the username option")
// List options
fset.Func("column", "Set the column `header`", addColumn)
fset.Bool("hide-header", true, "Hide the column headers")
fset.BoolVar(&checklist, "checklist", false, "Use check boxes for the first column (Unix only)")
fset.BoolVar(&radiolist, "radiolist", false, "Use radio buttons for the first column (Unix only)")
fset.BoolVar(&midSearch, "mid-search", false, "Change list search to find text in the middle, not on the beginning (Unix only)")
fset.BoolVar(&disallowEmpty, "disallow-empty", false, "Disallow empty selection (Windows and macOS only)")
// Calendar options
fset.UintVar(&year, "year", 0, "Set the calendar `year`")
fset.UintVar(&month, "month", 0, "Set the calendar `month`")
fset.UintVar(&day, "day", 0, "Set the calendar `day`")
fset.StringVar(&zenutil.DateFormat, "date-format", "%m/%d/%Y", "Set the `format` for the returned date")
// File selection options
fset.BoolVar(&save, "save", false, "Activate save mode")
fset.BoolVar(&directory, "directory", false, "Activate directory-only selection")
fset.BoolVar(&confirmOverwrite, "confirm-overwrite", false, "Confirm file selection if filename already exists")
fset.BoolVar(&confirmCreate, "confirm-create", false, "Confirm file selection if filename does not yet exist (Windows only)")
fset.BoolVar(&showHidden, "show-hidden", false, "Show hidden files (Windows and macOS only)")
fset.StringVar(&filename, "filename", "", "Set the `filename`")
fset.Func("file-filter", "Set a filename `filter` (NAME | PATTERN1 PATTERN2 ...)", addFileFilter)
// Color selection options
fset.StringVar(&defaultColor, "color", "", "Set the `color`")
fset.BoolVar(&showPalette, "show-palette", false, "Show the palette")
// Progress options
fset.Float64Var(&percentage, "percentage", 0, "Set initial `percentage`")
fset.BoolVar(&pulsate, "pulsate", false, "Pulsate progress bar")
fset.BoolVar(&autoClose, "auto-close", false, "Dismiss the dialog when 100% has been reached")
fset.BoolVar(&autoKill, "auto-kill", false, "Kill parent process if Cancel button is pressed (macOS and Unix only)")
fset.BoolVar(&noCancel, "no-cancel", false, "Hide Cancel button (Windows and Unix only)")
fset.BoolVar(&timeRemaining, "time-remaining", false, "Estimate when progress will reach 100% (Unix only)")
// Notify options
fset.BoolVar(&listen, "listen", false, "Listen for commands on stdin")
// Windows specific options
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
fset.BoolVar(&unixeol, "unixeol", false, "Use Unix line endings (Windows only)")
fset.BoolVar(&cygpath, "cygpath", false, "Use cygpath for path translation (Windows only)")
fset.BoolVar(&wslpath, "wslpath", false, "Use wslpath for path translation (Windows only)")
// Command options
fset.BoolVar(&version, "version", false, "Show version of program")
fset.IntVar(&zenutil.Timeout, "timeout", 0, "Set dialog `timeout` in seconds")
fset.StringVar(&zenutil.Separator, "separator", "|", "Set output `separator` character")
// Detect unspecified values
title = unspecified
okLabel = unspecified
cancelLabel = unspecified
extraButton = unspecified
text = unspecified
icon = unspecified
windowIcon = unspecified
fset.Usage = func() {}
err := fset.Parse(os.Args[1:])
if err == flag.ErrHelp {
fmt.Println("usage: zenity [options...]")
if err != nil {
return fset.Args()
func validateFlags() {
if version {
fmt.Printf("zenity %s %s/%s\n", getVersion(), runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
var n int
if errorDlg {
if infoDlg {
if warningDlg {
if questionDlg {
if entryDlg {
if listDlg {
if calendarDlg {
if passwordDlg {
if fileSelectionDlg {
if colorSelectionDlg {
if progressDlg {
if notification {
if n == 0 {
os.Stderr.WriteString("no dialog type specified; try 'zenity --help'\n")
if n >= 2 {
os.Stderr.WriteString("two or more dialogs types specified\n")
if checklist {
multiple = true
if radiolist {
multiple = false
if checklist && radiolist {
os.Stderr.WriteString("two or more list dialog types specified\n")
if !checklist && !radiolist && columns > 1 || columns > 2 {
os.Stderr.WriteString("multiple columns not supported\n")
func loadFlags() []zenity.Option {
var opts []zenity.Option
// Defaults
setDefault := func(s *string, val string) {
if *s == unspecified {
*s = val
switch {
case errorDlg:
setDefault(&title, "Error")
setDefault(&text, "An error has occurred.")
setDefault(&okLabel, "OK")
case infoDlg:
setDefault(&title, "Information")
setDefault(&text, "All updates are complete.")
setDefault(&okLabel, "OK")
case warningDlg:
setDefault(&title, "Warning")
setDefault(&text, "Are you sure you want to proceed?")
setDefault(&okLabel, "OK")
case questionDlg:
setDefault(&title, "Question")
setDefault(&text, "Are you sure you want to proceed?")
setDefault(&okLabel, "Yes")
setDefault(&cancelLabel, "No")
case entryDlg:
setDefault(&title, "Add a new entry")
setDefault(&text, "Enter new text:")
setDefault(&okLabel, "OK")
setDefault(&cancelLabel, "Cancel")
case listDlg:
setDefault(&title, "Select items from the list")
setDefault(&text, "Select items from the list below:")
setDefault(&okLabel, "OK")
setDefault(&cancelLabel, "Cancel")
case calendarDlg:
setDefault(&title, "Calendar selection")
setDefault(&text, "Select a date from below:")
setDefault(&okLabel, "OK")
setDefault(&cancelLabel, "Cancel")
case passwordDlg:
setDefault(&title, "Type your password")
setDefault(&okLabel, "OK")
setDefault(&cancelLabel, "Cancel")
case progressDlg:
setDefault(&title, "Progress")
setDefault(&text, "Running…")
setDefault(&okLabel, "OK")
setDefault(&cancelLabel, "Cancel")
// General options
if title != unspecified {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Title(title))
opts = append(opts, zenity.Width(width))
opts = append(opts, zenity.Height(height))
if okLabel != unspecified {
opts = append(opts, zenity.OKLabel(okLabel))
if cancelLabel != unspecified {
opts = append(opts, zenity.CancelLabel(cancelLabel))
if extraButton != unspecified {
opts = append(opts, zenity.ExtraButton(extraButton))
if defaultCancel {
opts = append(opts, zenity.DefaultCancel())
if notification {
icon = windowIcon
switch icon {
case "error", "dialog-error":
opts = append(opts, zenity.ErrorIcon)
case "info", "dialog-information":
opts = append(opts, zenity.InfoIcon)
case "question", "dialog-question":
opts = append(opts, zenity.QuestionIcon)
case "important", "warning", "dialog-warning":
opts = append(opts, zenity.WarningIcon)
case "dialog-password":
opts = append(opts, zenity.PasswordIcon)
case "":
opts = append(opts, zenity.NoIcon)
case unspecified:
opts = append(opts, zenity.Icon(ingestPath(icon)))
switch windowIcon {
case "error", "dialog-error":
opts = append(opts, zenity.WindowIcon(zenity.ErrorIcon))
case "info", "dialog-information":
opts = append(opts, zenity.WindowIcon(zenity.InfoIcon))
case "question", "dialog-question":
opts = append(opts, zenity.WindowIcon(zenity.QuestionIcon))
case "important", "warning", "dialog-warning":
opts = append(opts, zenity.WindowIcon(zenity.WarningIcon))
case "dialog-password":
opts = append(opts, zenity.WindowIcon(zenity.PasswordIcon))
case "", unspecified:
opts = append(opts, zenity.WindowIcon(ingestPath(windowIcon)))
if attach != "" {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Attach(zencmd.ParseWindowId(attach)))
} else if modal {
if id := zencmd.GetParentWindowId(os.Getppid()); id != 0 {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Attach(id))
if modal {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Modal())
opts = append(opts, zenity.Display(display))
opts = append(opts, zenity.ClassHint(name, class))
// Message options
if noWrap {
opts = append(opts, zenity.NoWrap())
if ellipsize {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Ellipsize())
switch {
case entryDlg:
text = zencmd.StripMnemonic(text)
case calendarDlg, progressDlg:
text = zencmd.StripMarkup(text)
case errorDlg, infoDlg, warningDlg, questionDlg:
if !noMarkup {
text = zencmd.StripMarkup(text)
// Entry options
opts = append(opts, zenity.EntryText(entryText))
if hideText {
opts = append(opts, zenity.HideText())
// Password options
if username {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Username())
// List options
if checklist {
opts = append(opts, zenity.CheckList())
if radiolist {
opts = append(opts, zenity.RadioList())
if midSearch {
opts = append(opts, zenity.MidSearch())
if disallowEmpty {
opts = append(opts, zenity.DisallowEmpty())
// Calendar options
y, m, d := time.Now().Date()
if month != 0 {
m = time.Month(month)
if day != 0 {
d = int(day)
if year != 0 {
y = int(year)
opts = append(opts, zenity.DefaultDate(y, m, d))
// File selection options
if directory {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Directory())
if confirmOverwrite {
opts = append(opts, zenity.ConfirmOverwrite())
if confirmCreate {
opts = append(opts, zenity.ConfirmCreate())
if showHidden {
opts = append(opts, zenity.ShowHidden())
if filename != "" {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Filename(ingestPath(filename)))
opts = append(opts, fileFilters)
// Color selection options
if defaultColor != "" {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Color(zenutil.ParseColor(defaultColor)))
if showPalette {
opts = append(opts, zenity.ShowPalette())
// Progress options
if pulsate {
opts = append(opts, zenity.Pulsate())
if noCancel {
opts = append(opts, zenity.NoCancel())
if timeRemaining {
opts = append(opts, zenity.TimeRemaining())
return opts
func errResult(err error) {
if os.IsTimeout(err) {
if err == zenity.ErrCanceled || err == context.Canceled {
if err == zenity.ErrExtraButton {
if err != nil {
func strResult(s string, err error) {
func lstResult(l []string, err error) {
os.Stdout.WriteString(strings.Join(l, zenutil.Separator))
if len(l) > 0 {
func calResult(d time.Time, err error) {
os.Stdout.WriteString(strftime.Format(zenutil.DateFormat, d))
func colResult(c color.Color, err error) {
func pwdResult(u, p string, err error) {
if username {
func ingestPath(path string) string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && path != "" {
var args []string
switch {
case wslpath:
args = []string{"wsl", "wslpath", "-w"}
case cygpath:
args = []string{"cygpath", "-C", "UTF8", "-w"}
if args != nil {
args = append(args, path)
out, err := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...).Output()
if err == nil {
path = string(bytes.TrimSuffix(out, []byte{'\n'}))
return path
func egestPath(path string, err error) (string, error) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && path != "" && err == nil {
var args []string
switch {
case wslpath:
args = []string{"wsl", "wslpath", "-u"}
case cygpath:
args = []string{"cygpath", "-C", "UTF8", "-u"}
if args != nil {
var out []byte
args = append(args, filepath.ToSlash(path))
out, err = exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...).Output()
if err == nil {
path = string(bytes.TrimSuffix(out, []byte{'\n'}))
return path, err
func egestPaths(paths []string, err error) ([]string, error) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && err == nil && (wslpath || cygpath) {
paths = append(paths[:0:0], paths...)
for i, p := range paths {
paths[i], err = egestPath(p, nil)
if err != nil {
return paths, err
func setExtraButton(s string) error {
if extraButton != unspecified {
return errors.New("multiple extra buttons not supported")
extraButton = s
return nil
func addColumn(s string) error {
return nil
func addFileFilter(s string) error {
var filter zenity.FileFilter
if name, rest, cut := strings.Cut(s, "|"); cut {
filter.Name = name
s = rest
filter.Patterns = strings.Fields(s)
fileFilters = append(fileFilters, filter)
return nil
func getVersion() string {
if tag != "" {
return tag
rev := "unknown"
if info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo(); ok {
for _, kv := range info.Settings {
if kv.Key == "vcs.modified" && kv.Value == "true" {
return "custom"
if kv.Key == "vcs.revision" {
rev = kv.Value
return rev